Mortgage loans​

About Us


Welcome to Siva Saravana Chit Funds, a trusted chit fund company committed to helping you achieve your financial goals. Our secure and reliable group savings options enable you to save money while offering the flexibility to borrow funds as needed. Our experienced team is dedicated to providing excellent customer service, and we offer a variety of chit fund options to meet your unique needs. Join us today and let us help you grow your wealth and walk the path towards financial freedom .

We prioritize the satisfaction of

our clients above all else

We are fully committed to

community involvement.

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Why is SSC's Chit Funds best?

When it comes to financial services, SSC stands out with its highly advantageous chit fund offerings. Our chit fund solutions are designed to cater to a variety of financial needs, making them the preferred choice for many individuals aiming to achieve their financial goals.

SSC's chit funds are customized for your financial convenience. We provide competitive returns, ensuring that your aspirations are within reach without burdening your finances. Acquiring a chit fund from us is straightforward and transparent; our dedicated customer service team ensures clarity throughout the process, leaving no room for uncertainty.

Furthermore, we have streamlined our chit fund application process for simplicity and ease. From the moment you decide to invest until the final disbursement, our team is committed to guiding you through effortlessly. Additionally, recognizing that each investor has unique requirements, we offer flexible investment options, allowing you to choose terms that align with your financial objectives.

However, what truly distinguishes SSC's chit funds is our unwavering dedication to realizing your financial ambitions. We understand that financial stability and growth are essential for your future. With our competitively structured chit funds, we not only provide financial support but also invest in your prosperity

How It Works

Step 1

Mortgage loans

Consider a chit fund scheme where every month 20 members contribute Rs 1,000 each.

Step 2

Mortgage loans

The total amount collected for the auction is Rs. 20,000.

Step 4

loan for house

Total amount (Rs 20,000) - the lowest bid (Rs. 16,000) = dividend (4,000).

Step 3

loan for house

Members place their lowest bids to have a chance at winning the auction.

Step 5

loan for house

This dividend is distributed equally (4,000/20) = 200 per mem.

Step 6

Siva Saravana Chit Funds

This process continues for the entire duration of the chit fund scheme.

Why Choose Us ?


We offer a variety of convenient investment schemes for individuals seeking a reliable and profitable investment opportunity. With a range of chit fund schemes to choose from, members can select the option that best suits their financial goals and budget.

Our investment options are designed to cater to people with different financial needs and goals. Whether you're looking to save for a specific future expense or simply seeking to grow your wealth over time, we have a chit fund scheme that can meet your requirements. Members can now easily plan for their financial future and achieve their goals with ease.

Instant loan without CIBIL


Our chit fund schemes operate on a bidding system, wherein members can bid for the total amount collected. The winning bidder receives the bid amount, and the remaining amount is distributed equally among all members minus the 5% commission paid to the foreman. This process ensures that members earn steady returns on their investment.

Furthermore our chit fund schemes are managed by experienced professionals who monitor the process and ensure that all transactions are transparent and secure. We also provide regular updates on the progress of the chit fund, allowing our members to stay informed and make informed decisions.

Instant loan without CIBIL


By joining Siva Saravana Chit Funds, members can cultivate the habit of disciplined savings, as the chit fund scheme encourages regular contributions. This helps investors to build up their savings for their future financial needs while also providing them with a consistent flow of returns.

Furthermore, our chit fund schemes provide a safe and secure investment option for our members. All transactions and procedures are conducted in accordance with the rules and regulations set by the government and regulatory authorities.

Instant loan without CIBIL


We provide our members with easy access to funds in times of financial exigencies. Members can easily borrow money from the chit fund at a low interest rate without the need for dealing with a lengthy and cumbersome documentation process to avail it. This flexibility and accessibility make Saravana Chits an attractive investment option for individuals seeking financial stability and security.

With a strong emphasis on ethics and integrity, our chit fund schemes are managed by experienced professionals who ensure that members can timely receive the funds they require during a time of crisis. This sense of care displayed towards its members is one of the key factors that make Siva Saravana Chit Funds stand out from the rest.

Instant loan without CIBIL


We have a well-organized documentation process in place that allows investors to focus on their investments without worrying about the complexities of the paperwork involved in it, providing a stress-free investment experience.

Moreover, our experienced team is always available at a moment's notice to provide guidance to new and old members alike. We help our members understand the various chit fund schemes available, the bidding process, and the terms and conditions of the schemes. This level of personalized support and attention to detail set us apart from other investment options and make us the preferred choice for individuals looking for a reliable and hassle-free investment option.

Instant loan without CIBIL


We not only offer good returns but also provide financial security to our members as our chit fund schemes are regulated by the government and are not subject to any form of market risks, making them a safe and reliable investment option.

In addition to the government regulation, we also ensure a high level of transparency in all our dealings. This level of transparency builds trust and confidence in our members, who can rest assured that their investments are being managed by a company that values ethics above all else.

Siva Saravana Chit Funds​


Availing an instant loan without CIBIL from Siva Saravana Chit Funds is straightforward and hassle-free. First, you need to approach the chit fund with your request. Since Siva Saravana values trust and relationships, they offer an instant loan without CIBIL score requirement, focusing on your repayment capability. This opens doors for individuals who may not have a strong credit history but still need immediate financial assistance. Siva Saravana Chit Funds is committed to ensure that you have access to immediate financial support, irrespective of your CIBIL score.

Siva Saravana Chit Funds​

Why Choose Siva Saravana Chit?


We offer a variety of convenient investment schemes for individuals seeking a reliable and profitable investment opportunity. With a range of chit fund schemes to choose from, members can select the option that best suits their financial goals and budget.


Our chit fund schemes operate on a bidding system, wherein members can bid for the total amount collected. The winning bidder receives the bid amount, and the remaining amount is distributed equally among all members minus the 5% commission paid to the foreman. This process ensures that members earn steady returns on their investment


By joining Siva Saravana Chit Funds, members can cultivate the habit of disciplined savings, as the chit fund scheme encourages regular contributions. This helps investors to build up their savings for their future financial needs while also providing them with a consistent flow of returns.


We provide our members with easy access to funds in times of financial exigencies. Members can easily borrow money from the chit fund at a low interest rate without the need for dealing with a lengthy and cumbersome documentation process to avail it. This flexibility and accessibility make Saravana Chits an attractive investment option for individuals seeking financial stability and security.


We have a well-organized documentation process in place that allows investors to focus on their investments without worrying about the complexities of the paperwork involved in it, providing a stress-free investment experience.


We not only offer good returns but also provide financial security to our members as our chit fund schemes are regulated by the government and are not subject to any form of market risks, making them a safe and reliable investment option.


Availing an instant loan without CIBIL from Siva Saravana Chit Funds is straightforward and hassle-free. First, you need to approach the chit fund with your request. Since Siva Saravana values trust and relationships, they offer an instant loan without CIBIL score requirement, focusing on your repayment capability. This opens doors for individuals who may not have a strong credit history but still need immediate financial assistance. Siva Saravana Chit Funds is committed to ensure that you have access to immediate financial support, irrespective of your CIBIL score.

Certificate of Incorporation
Certificate of Incorporation

March 3, 2023

Chit Funds: The Smart Way to Save and Invest

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Discover the Benefits of Chit Funds: The Future of Savings

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Chit Funds: A Secure and Reliable Investment Option